Free activity sheets
The following activity sheets are downloadable. Please print out as many as you like.
Send us an email if you would like activity sheets from a particular book and we will see what we can do!

Colour in a scene from My Baby Sister Is a Diplodocus by Aurore Petit.

Colour in a scene from Can I Sit in the Middle? by Susanne Strasser.

Colour in a scene from Have You Seen Dinosaur? by David Barrow.

Take the final exam from Giselle Clarkson’s The Observologist, and become a certified observologist.

From Fodo Dodo Goes Fishing by Édouard Manceau.
Colour in this fun moment between Fodo Dodo and Noodle as they fish some underguppies from the bathtub.

From When Dad’s Hair Took Off by Jörg Mühle.
Write pun-filled postcards like Dad’s hair sends back to Dad from around the world.

From When Dad’s Hair Took Off by Jörg Mühle.
Help Dad find his hair by colouring in this scene at the zoo.

From What’s That, Jack? by Cédric Ramadier and Vincent Bourgeau.
Recreate the adventure from What’s That, Jack with playdough/clay.

A colouring in activity sheet from Kind Crocodile by Leo Timmers.

A colouring in activity sheet from The Grizzled Grist Does Not Exist by Juliette MacIver and Sarah Davis.

From Wooolf! by Stephanie Blake.
Make your own wolf mask to play tricks on people like Simon does in Wooolf!
Click here for the version already coloured in by Stephanie Blake

From A Perfect Wonderful Day with Friends by Philip Waechter.
Create your own perfect wonderful day. Draw your friends in the picture, maybe fishing like Bear or swimming like Fox. Then colour the picture in.

From Elephant Island by Leo Timmers.
Make your own boat like one of the boats that comes to rescue Arnold in Elephant Island!

From Lionel Poops, Lionel Eats All By Himself and Lionel Is Just Like Dad by Éric Veillé
Create your own Lionel mask!

From The Secrets of Cricket Karlsson by Kristina Sigunsdotter and Ester Eriksson.
Write down your secrets just like Cricket in this self-portrait. Draw yourself as an animal and add some details, including your biggest secret. Share with your school friends or keep under lock and key!

From Leilong’s Too Long! by Julia Liu and Bei Lynn
Colour in Leilong as he holds up traffic on a bridge in the city.

From The Uprising by Eirlys Hunter
Try your hand at being a junior cartographer, just like the Santander mapmakers and sketch a map of a recent adventure.

From Where Is the Dragon? by Leo Timmers
Colour in Knights One, Two, and Three as they head off in search of the supposed dragon troubling the King.

From Egg & Spoon: An Illustrated Cookbook by Alexandra Tylee and illustrated by Giselle Clarkson
Draw a taco for the alligator to eat

From The Inkberg Enigma by Jonathan King
Create your own comic activity
Cut, copy or trace these comics making bits and pieces and use the panels page to create your own comic.

From My Mama by Annemarie van Haeringen
Colouring activity
Baby elephant is enjoying a piggy back ride on Mama’s back. We love her patterned dress and the stars on baby elephant’s trousers. Colour in the drawing and patterns on their clothes.

From My Mama by Annemarie van Haeringen
Colouring activity
Mischievous baby elephant is floating up and away because of holding all those balloons! Colour in the drawing and add some patterns to the balloons.

From Egg and Spoon: An Illustrated Cookbook by Alexandra Tylee
Breakfast popsicles recipe
Make these delicious popsicles for breakfast in the sun or on the go!

From The Wolf and the Fly by Antje Damm
Drawing and colouring activity
Wolf is cooking his favourite soup. Draw the ingredients you would add to the soup in the pot and colour in the drawing.

From The Wolf and the Fly by Antje Damm
Drawing activity
Can you draw all the items on the shelves?

From Duck, Death and the Tulip by Wolf Erlbruch
Writing activity
Work in a group to create a story. Write your favourite quote from a book you are reading on the first line of this paper. Fold it backwards so your quote is hidden, and pass it around so others can do the same. At the end, unfold the paper and discover a new story!

From The Lazy Friend by Ronan Badel
Writing activity
Write a postcard from the latest place you visited … in a book.

From Detective Gordon by Ulf Nilsson and Gitte Spee
Colouring activity
Print this out on a BIG piece of paper for everyone to colour in together.

From That’s Not a Hippopotamus by Juliette MacIver and Sarah Davis
Colouring activity
Can you spot the Hippopotamus?

From Gus’s Garage by Leo Timmers
Draw and colour
Draw-in the missing animals and colour them in

From Yours Sincerely, Giraffe, by Megumi Iwasa and Jun Takabatake
Colouring activity
Brighten up Giraffe’s penguin costume
Colouring activity
Pelican brings Giraffe a letter
Drawing activity
It’s hard to imagine someone you’ve never seen…

From Poo Bum by Stephanie Blake

From The Visitor by Antje Damm

Colour in Cam’s town from Song of the River by Joy Cowley and Kimberly Andrews

Search for words in your book that begin with each letter of the alphabet
Illustration by Ole Könnecke from The Big Book of Words and Pictures

Write the name of a book character on a post-it and stick
it on your friend’s forehead. Your friend will have to ask you questions to
help them guess the identity of the character on his or her forehead.
Illustration by Dorothée de Monfreid from A Day With Dogs

Copy the illustrator’s style to complete the illustration
Illustration by Leo Timmers from Franky

Make up the recipe for a curiously good book
Illustration by Dorothée de Monfreid from The Cake

Draw a police sketch and fill in the ID papers
Illustration by Eric Veillé from My Pictures after the Storm

Continue the story you have just finished
Illustration by Marc Boutavant from The Day No One Was Angry

Work in a group to create a memory game
Illustration by Jun Takabatake from Dear Professor Whale

Illustration by Frédéric Stehr from Bim Bam Boom

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