For the release of Gotcha!, Clotilde Perrin took over our Instagram for a look inside her studio and at her work in progress. She shared images and video of original artworks and a bookcase bursting with books about monsters and fairy tales.
For the release of Gotcha!, Clotilde Perrin took over our Instagram for a look inside her studio and at her work in progress. She shared images and video of original artworks and a bookcase bursting with books about monsters and fairy tales.
To help you find an extra special book this Christmas, we have matched some children to some particular Gecko Press books, including some guaranteed-to-please favourites.
Free comprehensive teacher notes for Years 1 to 10 available for download.
These teacher notes are based on the new Aotearoa New Zealand Histories curriculum being implemented in 2023 and written by Defyd Williams, who was part of the Ministry of Education reference group for the curriculum.
Juliette MacIver is a picture-book writer and mother of four, who lives in Wellington, New Zealand.
What is the origin of the Grizzled Grist story? A good friend of mine asked his nine-year-old son, Jonny, what he would like to be a master of—the best in the world!
Come along to this year’s Verb Readers & Writers Festival in Wellington and enjoy two Gecko Press family events on 5–6 November.
Listen to author Juliette MacIver read her book The Grizzled Grist Does Not Exist, and create a glorious mess inspired by Free Kid to Good Home, read in both English and Japanese.
We asked Nathan Luff for a list of books he likes to recommend that feature theatrical content. As well as being a published children’s book author, Nathan also works part time as a teacher specialising in creative writing and performing arts.
Clotilde Perrin is an illustrator and author living in Strasbourg, France. We asked her to tell us more about her new release, Gotcha!
This year, the White Ravens contain a selection of 200 notable children’s and young adult books from 53 countries published in 37 languages. Bumblebee Grumblebee and Duck’s Backyard have both been selected.
Talking about Bumblebee Grumblebee, the judge said “Board books for the very young can sometimes feel a bit dull to adults. But not when David Elliot puts his hand to creating one.”
This Bookshop Day, we’re celebrating booksellers around Aotearoa by asking some to share a book that was special to them growing up, a book that raised them. How do you pick just one when you’re surrounded by a treasure trove!
We asked Giana Torrez, El Paso Library, Texas, for a list of books she likes to recommend that feature characters with disabilities—a broad topic, of course, as shown by her list that includes main characters with autism, dyslexia and physical disabilities.
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