Gecko Press Blog

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Where Is the Dragon?: Q&A with Leo Timmers

Portrait of Leo Timmers

The story emerged from these drawings. After struggling for months, I suddenly had the whole story finished in an hour. Pure magic, and very thrilling. You just never know which new idea is around the corner.

New year, new list: preparing the 2022 publishing list

Illustration of children reading

Though many are focused in the new year on the year ahead, at Gecko Press we find ourselves looking further ahead to plan the books we want to publish in 2022.

Read on for the hows and whys of our book choosing process and reflections on publishing post-2020.

Reading Aloud in the Babysitter’s Toolbox

Stories of the Night

Reading aloud is a key tool in a babysitter’s kit. It can bring children together from different parts of the house, calm them or cheer them up, signal that it is sleep time—your choice of book and how you read will depend on what is needed.

Read on for reading aloud tips for all babysitting scenarios.

Book Recommendations for Gifts by Age Range

monkey on the run (c) Leo Timmers

We often get asked for recommendations for a particular age of a child so this month’s book list is by the Gecko Press team recommending our top picks from our shelves to help with your gift buying this season.

“A school library is not a luxury, it is a necessity”

Glenys Bichan

The taonga of a school library is hard to get back— it is not a piece of paper to be slid into a file. It is a precious space that needs our protection, our care, our aroha and our strength to protect it or maybe it will be filed away forever, lost.

Rain like a thunderstorm — the My Happy Life series wraps up

All's Happy that Ends Happy spot art (c) Eva Eriksson

The My Happy Life chapter book series is one of the most acclaimed and loved we’ve published at Gecko Press. The books have attached themselves firmly to many of us working with them over the years, so as booksellers, publishers and designers, we asked ourselves what we’ve enjoyed most about My Happy Life.

Egg & Spoon: Author Alexandra Tylee interviews Illustrator Giselle Clarkson

I had a note by my computer screen with the colours from the brief: red, pink, summer orange, gold, paperbag brown, no black. The colours make a feeling and you take that feeling and turn it into a picture.

And they’re delicious colours. They make food look good. 

Egg & Spoon: Illustrator Giselle Clarkson interviews Author Alexandra Tylee

In the introduction for the book, you’ve written that if Pipi was a cake, she would be this glorious towering sponge cake. If you were a cake, what would you be? 

If I was a cake, I love the idea of a tall wobbly sponge and defying all odds.

Timeline Science and Technology: Q&A with Peter Goes

Peter Goes Gecko Press

I wanted to make an up-to-date version of a timeline because at school, timelines helped me a great deal to understand history. Those simple lines with dates and pictures gave me a better overview and understanding of history than text. It is a way to create order in a sometimes-chaotic string of events. It helps you see similarities, influences and coincidences.

Book list for students with dyslexia

ADayWithDogs reading (c) Dorothee de Monfreid

In my learning support classroom, I have a growing list of ‘go-to’ picture books and early readers that have proven popular with my students with dyslexia over the years. 

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