The many wisdoms of Detective Gordon

BY Rachel Lawson, Publisher at Gecko Press

We have always found Detective Gordon to be a particularly wise toad. So much so that we lead our Gecko Press staff wellbeing policy with two of his wisest comments:


“Everyone should sleep soundly.”


“Everyone should always be allowed to play with everybody.”


We also frequently follow Gordon’s policies on small cakes, namely to introduce one to a situation wherever possible. To mark the final book in this junior fiction series, we collected five of our (other) favourite wisdoms.

1. “If it doesn’t work one way, it will work another.”

2. “Always take a small cake when there’s a mystery to be solved.”

3. “Always ask someone who knows.”

4. “Everyone thinks differently: listen carefully to all.”

5. “There is always a good ending. In every story. And in real life. If one is open to everything.”



Read more about Detective Gordon’s award-winning junior fiction series on our website.