Search Results for: my happy life

Susanne Strasser

Can I Sit in the Middle?: Q&A with Susanne Strasser

Like all my books in this series, the story has a cumulative structure that increases up to a surprising twist, finally resulting in an unexpected happy ending.

This increasing structure automatically creates expectations and growing excitement.

Shona’s great read-alouds gift guide

It’s the perfect time of year to create magical memories of reading aloud together. Today we’re sharing our gift guide featuring some books that we think make great read-alouds. Click on the covers to go straight to our online shop: or of course, visit your local bookshop. When you order you can add a note… Read more »

Have You Seen Dinosaur and Have You Seen Elephant sitting on a table.

The creation of Have You Seen Dinosaur?

This month we’re celebrating the release of my latest picture book Have You Seen Dinosaur?, lovingly published by the wonderful Gecko Press. So in honour of this event I’d like to invite you into my studio.

Lionel series: Q&A with Éric Veillé

Éric Veillé was born in 1976 in Laval and studied at the Duperré School in Paris. While working as an artistic director in publishing, he decided one spring day to devote himself to writing and children’s book illustration. He has since released many books, as author and illustrator, including Encyclopedia of Grannies and My Pictures… Read more »

Anke Kuhl and Katharina von der Gathen

Any Body: Q&A with Katharina von der Gathen & Anke Kuhl

I think pre-pubescent children should marvel at how amazing their bodies are. In the book, I wanted to focus on this great body-home that we live in, that we sense the world with and that is always changing in mysterious ways.

Stephanie Blake (c) Léontine Behaeghel

Poo Bum 20th anniversary interview: Stephanie Blake

What led you to create Simon’s world? Once I had Simon, everything clicked, and I was no longer working with the abstract idea of writing a book or making beautiful images. Books became my second language and Simon an extension of myself. I had a new freedom to play with words and images. I allowed myself to write the way I wanted to.

Child and dog in cardboard box

Free Kid to Good Home: Q&A with Hiroshi Ito

Hiroshi Ito was born in Tokyo, Japan, and graduated from Waseda University with a degree in education. “A good children’s book has depth, despite its simplicity. The reader should find something new every time they open the book. They will also see different aspects depending on their feelings or situation at that time.”

Lionel: Q&A with Éric Veillé

When I created the character of Lionel, I tried to reconnect with the deep feelings of two- and three-year-olds, and I found myself confronting some contrasting and powerful emotions! It’s a very rich universe that you don’t always find in stories for toddlers, where things are often soft and kind.

Day in the life of Kristina Sigunsdotter

Hi! I’m Kristina, author of The Secrets of Cricket Karlsson. I live in a town called Malmö in the southern part of Sweden. I usually write my books sitting on the couch in my living room, with the view of the sky, the ceilings and my new – very happy – lamp!

Book list: war and displacement

My hope is that for anyone struggling, these eight brilliant books will be a small support and help start important conversations about war and particularly its impact on people. I hope they show the positive impact that hope, kindness and empathy can have too.