Gecko Press Blog

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The House that Jack Built in Aotearoa New Zealand schools

House That Jack Built 3 Gecko Press

This picture book tells the story of colonisation in Aotearoa for our tamariki and our rangatahi.  They can look at and see and feel–what happened here, what was the impact, what changed in Aotearoa from page one to the end of the book? This book is a huge asset as a launch pad for deeper learning for our students.

Free book offer during April

To add a little bouncy joy to your April, we’re offering a FREE book with every order from our website throughout the month.

Just add the code FREEGIFT at checkout.

We’ll select the most age appropriate free book based on your order.

An English version as entertaining and easy as the original

The Moon Is a Ball Dutch cover

My primary task as a translator was to reproduce the flow and fun of the stories, making the English versions as entertaining and easy to read as the originals. Of course I didn’t try to do this by simplifying Panda and Squirrel’s plans, but by taking slight liberties in the literal content to maintain clarity.

A Bird Day: Q&A with Eva Lindström

Eva Lindström ALMA

The idea came from driving on small roads in the country where there are often one or two birds pecking and walking around on the road in front of the car. When I get dangerously close to them, they fly away. It is as if they are playing a game with me.

Serendipity—one reason we attend the Bologna Children’s Book Fair

The Bologna Children’s Book Fair is a cornerstone of the Gecko Press business, and it was magnificent for me and Julia to be back under the porticos in Italy this March—four years since the last visit!

The many wisdoms of Detective Gordon

We frequently follow Gordon’s policies on small cakes, namely to introduce one to a situation wherever possible. To mark the final book in this junior fiction series, we collected five of our (other) favourite wisdoms.

Tickle My Ears to every toddler in Scotland

The Scottish Book Trust has selected Tickle My Ears by Jörg Mϋhle for their Bookbug Toddler Bag for 2023. These are given to every child in Scotland to help them develop a love of stories and reading from an early age.

Over 40,000 copies will be sent out to toddlers throughout Scotland this year, along with a couple of other books and learning materials.

Look selected for dPictus 100 Outstanding Picturebooks 2023

Look front cover

Look – A Tummy Time Book by Gavin Bishop has been selected for the dPictus 100 Outstanding Picturebooks 2023.

Ulrich Hub: Duck or Chicken?

What were the challenges of the translation process? I am really enthusiastic about the translation and even find the story funnier in English. Some of the punchlines work better because the sentences are shorter in English.

Be kind to the duck

Written by Julia Marshall, founder of Gecko Press.

We are celebrating the life of Wolf Erlbruch, who died this week aged 75.

Duck, Death and the Tulip is a pivotal book for Gecko Press, one of the books I am most proud to have on our list.

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