The illustrations are rich, evocative and complex...

Saturday Express

Koinei te Whare nā Haki i Hanga

Koinei te Whare nā Haki i Hanga is a complex weaving together of the nursery rhyme with the cultural, historical and environmental context. The illustrations are rich, evocative and complex, and reward being looked at again and again. 

Translated by Piripi Walker

ISBN: KoineiteWharenaHakiiHangaTheHousethatJackBuiltTeReoMaoriedition Categories: , , , , , Tags: , , ,

  • Description

    Koinei te kurī,
    Nāna i whaiwhai te ngeru,
    Nāna te kiore i whakamate,
    Nāna i kai te māta,
    I haupū rā i te whare,
    Te whare nā Haki i hanga.
    …The House that Jack Built in te reo Māori, translated by Piripi Walker and edited by Hone Apanui.

  • Book Details

    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Reader Age 5-7 year, 6-8 year
    Book Size

  • Reviews

    1. Saturday Express, June 2012

      The accompanying pictures tell a parallel (and sometimes divergent) story to the text: That of Jack Bull, who emigrates to New Zealand at the end of the 18th century; and a Maori perspective, beginning with the creation myth of Papatuanuku (the earth mother) and Ranginui (the sky father). The illustrations are rich, evocative and complex…

    2. Trevor Agnew, Magpies, March 2012

      Maori religious beliefs, trading accounts, hand-writing exercises and old maps are all to be discovered. The illustrations reflect the influence of Hogarth, Cook’s illustrators, colonial sketchers, Maori craft workers, and the folk art style developed for the `painted histories’ in some meeting houses … all of it forms a united whole.

    3. The Listener (Arts and Books), March 2012

      The old nursery rhyme is brought brilliantly to life in a colonial setting, based on Bishop’s own whakapapa, wrapping indigenous myth in both word and pattern around traditional English text, drawing parallels between animals of myth and those brought by the Pakeha, and showing the blossoming of love between Bishop’s redheaded Scottish ancestor and the Maori ‘maiden all forlorn’.

    4. The Children’s Bookshop School and Library Newsletter, Term 1 2012

      …in Te Reo Maori, translated by Piripi Walker and edited by Hone Apanui. Based on the well-known nursery rhyme, it tells the story of Jack Bull, who travels to New Zealand from London as a new settler in 1798. But the second story is in the striking illustrations as Bishop weaves in the Maori perspective, showing their spiritual commitment to their land and pressure from the settlers to acquire it.

    5. Kiwi Families (NZ), October 2014

      Its sophisticated, nuanced approach will be a joy to New Zealand history buffs as well as lovers of good picture books … A gem from one of New Zealand’s children’s book gems, Gavin Bishop.

Available worldwide from your local bookstore or online.

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