The responses to our July competition proved that some forms of entertainment will never go out of style. Popular entertainment options include:
- Duck the Bridges: You have to duck every time you drive under something. If you forget, your head gets ‘chopped off’ and you have to have it taped back on with a giant roll of imaginary Sellotape!
- Eye Spy / I Spy
- Kiwi kids music (Anika Moa is a great one)
- Making up your own stories
- Story CDs and audiobooks
- White horse-black dog / White horse-bird-dog: Variations on this game have been passed down through generations! In one version, when you find a white horse, you cross your fingers… find a black dog, cross the fingers on the other hand and you can make a wish. For another family, the first to find a white horse, a bird and a dog wins the game. But if you find a white cow you win straight away and everyone starts again!

This month’s winner: Lucy @Mumreading
“Car spotting! My kids pick a colour each and when we see that colour we yell FRUITFRUIT at the top of our lungs. It was WHOOPWHOOP but 4 year old can’t say “wh” sound, so it’s FRUITFRUIT. I suspect this is why we never go on family holidays.”
A copy of Monkey on the Run by Leo Timmers is on its way to you.
August competition
Zanzibar is the story of a crow who discovers you can do amazing things if you believe in yourself.

In the Gecko Press office, we’ve achieved some extraordinary things: from appearing on TV to learning how to ice-skate as an adult to walking more than 1,000km in six weeks (twice).
To enter our August competition, send us the story of your most extraordinary achievement… or the thing you would most like to achieve. Every response will go in the draw to win a copy of the uplifting, warmhearted Zanzibar.
You can email us at with ‘August competition’ in the subject line, or comment on Facebook and Twitter.