To celebrate the release of “The Ice Sea Pirates” in the UK, Frida Nilsson did a blog tour from January 16 to January 24… Extracts, interviews, reviews, guest posts: you’ll know everything about the novel and its author!

Laura Patricia Rose Review
You know when a story is so good you literally forget your surroundings and are quickly enveloped in its telling. The Ice Sea Pirates is such a book and at times I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay with Siri on her brave adventure to get her sister back.
Minerva Blog The Ice Sea Pirates: A Sneak Peak at Illustrations
This is a daring and intelligent tale, sprinkled with humour. More than anything though, it is the imaginary harsh Arctic landscape of small islands dotted in the freezing sea that dominates, and creates an adventure that’s both beautiful and challenging.
Library Mice The Inspiration behind The Ice Sea Pirates by Frida Nilsson
My story about Siri is my way of questioning how we live our lives.
Day Dreamer Thoughts Author Interview: Frida Nilsson
What is your favourite thing about writing books?
I use the writing as a way of solving problems and questions that take up a lot of space in my mind. If something bothers me or worries me for a long time I finally have to get it out of my mind by writing. As an example, my latest book in Swedish, The Thin Sword, I wrote because I had been struggling for a long time with a fear of death.
Tale of Yesterday Becoming a Writer and How I Write by Frida Nilsson
I plan my work very well. The most important question you must ask yourself when you start writing is: What do I want to say? After that I come up with the characters, the beginning and the end. Then I can start writing and the time-consuming part is to find the road between beginning and end.
Luna’s Little Library Extract & Giveaway
Fiction Fascination Review & Extract
Siri has to be my favourite character because she is caring, brave and adventurous.
My Book Corner Author Interview: Frida Nilsson
Your favourite word(s)? How could I have one favourite word? I need ALL words when I write.

The Ice Sea Pirates is available in any good bookshop or at