Leo Timmers draws enormous fun from a very simple premise—the story is imaginative, absurd and wholly relatable.

Julia Marshall, Publisher

Bear’s Lost Glasses

Bear can’t find his glasses. He must have left them at Giraffe’s house. On the way over, Bear sees all kinds of animals he didn’t notice last time: an elephant, a crocodile, a flamingo, a deer. And who’s this long spotty snake lying on Giraffe’s deckchair?

The patient Giraffe finds Bear’s glasses—right where glasses always get lost, perched on his head.

Then Bear takes Giraffe to meet these wondrous animals that he found on the way.

Leo Timmers’ details are full of expression and humour—the angle of Giraffe’s neck and lift of his eyebrows, hiding his skepticism as he helps his friend, the dear, artless bear.

Through an ingenious telling of this classic comical situation, Leo Timmers shows us how to enjoy the world through different eyes.

  • Book Details

    Country of Origin Belgium
    Reader Age 2-5 year, 5-7 year
    Book Size

  • Reviews

    1. My Shelves Are Full

      Realistic illustrations bring his stories to life, many of which are wordless so readers can interpret as they like. In this funny story, we get to follow Bear as he re-traces his steps to find his lost glasses. The reader can see them perched on his head but Bear is oblivious. Along the way, Bear sees some strange animals and tells Giraffe all about them. Giraffe is sceptical but follows along and finally understands when Bear lifts his glasses and sees something entirely different. Imaginative, funny and relatable!

    2. Dophin Book Blog (UK)

      Through an ingenious telling of this classic comical situation, he shows us how to enjoy the world through different eyes . . . A brilliant way of enabling children to be another character, walk in Bear’s shoes . . . A simple tale yet so true

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