Any Body: Q&A with Katharina von der Gathen & Anke Kuhl

Anke Kuhl and Katharina von der Gathen

I think pre-pubescent children should marvel at how amazing their bodies are. In the book, I wanted to focus on this great body-home that we live in, that we sense the world with and that is always changing in mysterious ways.

Tickle My Ears to every toddler in Scotland

The Scottish Book Trust has selected Tickle My Ears by Jörg Mϋhle for their Bookbug Toddler Bag for 2023. These are given to every child in Scotland to help them develop a love of stories and reading from an early age.

Over 40,000 copies will be sent out to toddlers throughout Scotland this year, along with a couple of other books and learning materials.

Tickle My Ears series: Q&A with Jörg Mühle

first sketch for Tickle My Ears

An interview with Jörg Mühle where he discusses how he created the Tickle My Ears series, including his illustration technique and trialing version of the story with his daughter. “It was amazing. My book was working! Well, in a way. It didn’t make her go to sleep. But she really loved it.”

In the Forbidden Forest with Ole Könnecke

Ole Konnecke

For the release his book Dulcinea in the Forbidden Forest, Ole took over the Gecko Press Instagram account to show behind the scenes of creating the story.