Julia Marshall is the former publisher of Gecko Press and still our number one translator from Swedish. We asked her to write about translating Giraffe Island by Sofia Chanfreau and Amanda Chanfreau. Giraffe Island is a magical realist mystery adventure for 8- to 12-year-olds. It is a playful, fresh and beautifully written story about a… Read more »
Welcome to a combobulation of articles from our favourite thinkers, stories from behind the scenes, lists of good books, Gecko Press news and things that amuse us from time to time.
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A Lot of Silly: Illustrated Q&A with David Barrow

David Barrow has an MA from the Cambridge School of Art, where he now teaches. His first book, Have You Seen Elephant?, was shortlisted for the Waterstones Prize, longlisted for the Klaus Flugge Prize, and received a Dutch Silver Pencil award. It has also been translated into 11 languages. Barrow won the Sebastian Walker Award and has since written and illustrated many picture books and illustrated a children’s novel.
Q&A with Aurore Petit for the Picture Me illustration festival

Explore Aurore Petit’s creative process, from observing children’s daily life to crafting picture books that resonate with both kids and adults. Learn more here!
Q&A with Antje Damm for the Picture Me illustration festival

Discover how Antje Damm blends architecture with storytelling in her unique picture books. Learn about her creative process, inspirations, and upcoming Picture Me Festival visit.
Ulrich Hub Q&A: One Wise Sheep

Ulrich Hub’s ‘One Wise Sheep’ is a humorous retelling of the nativity story from the perspective of sheep, blending comedy with thought-provoking themes for children.
Exploring Whānau and Words: An Author Interview with Gavin Bishop

Gavin Bishop has created four board books for the very young that introduce first words and concepts through a lens of whānau and our place in the world. The direct gaze of child and adult faces draws the reader into each illustration, while single words spark conversation about objects, emotions, relationships and more. The series… Read more »
Giraffe Island — Q&A with Sofia Chanfreau & Amanda Chanfreau

Sofia Chanfreau’s ‘Giraffe Island’ is a magical adventure about Vega and her unseen animal friends. Discover the mystery and magic. Available August 2024.
A Rainy Dragon Day — Author Interview

Julie Völk’s ‘A Rainy Dragon Day’ is a tale of friendship and fantasy. Join Fred the dragon on a cozy, rainy day turned magical journey. Available August 2024.
Earning the turn
By Rachel Lawson The page turn is at the heart of the picture book. Unobtrusive or dramatic, satisfying or surprising, it makes a picture book sink or sing. The turn of a page speeds or slows the pace, sets us up and rewards us, reveals a joke or surprise, draws us carefully through a story… Read more »
Happy birthday at Bologna Book Fair
At Bologna Book Fair in April 2024, Lerner Books held a special reception to celebrate the acquisition of Gecko Press and its 65th birthday. Below is the hello goodbye birthday speech from Julia Marshall. Thank you to Rob Sharp for the photographs, taken serendipitously as he was walking in the porticos and thought this looked… Read more »