Another Porirua summer is upon us, and at Porirua Libraries that means it’s time for A-Long Hot Summer Story Festival, returning for its sensational eighth year to entertain children aged 3-12 and their families over the school holidays.
Five weeks of reads aloud, workshops and activities, all designed for children from three to twelve year old!
Check out the amazing events happening throughout the festival! Attend the launch party to pick up a print programme (available at all branches from December 20) so you can start collecting event stamps (four earn you a mystery goodie bag!), or begin the find the library boatshed challenge (visit City Centre, Cannons Creek, Pukerua Bay and Whitby Libraries to earn a prize!). Keep an eye on this page for event photos as the festival progresses.

The programme includes a workshop with award-winning author and illustrator David Elliot. Internationally recognised children’s writer and illustrator of such books as Henry’s Stars, The Adventures of Sydney Penguin, and the newly-released Oink! Come along with your children on Monday, January 14, 11AM at the City Centre Library.
Full programme available here.