Gecko Press is in the last days of our crowdfunding campaign to help build the Curiously Good Book Club – the deadline is 6 pm June 21.
The aim of the Club is simple – that every child loves to read. To do that, we want to take books to places and people where they are not normally found, work with people we don’t normally work with – anyone who wants to encourage a child to love to read.
We don’t know where we will end up exactly. As a 13-year-old publisher, I want to get louder about the value and importance of reading, break out of our quiet zone, and help people find a good book for a child – not just one of our books, but any book that sets a child on a path to reading.

Since we started our campaign, we’ve been given lots of ideas of what we can do with the club. We have two schools bringing students in for the Hot Chocolate Club, libraries offering support – and much heartening enthusiasm and encouragement.
Our illustrators have generously offered prints and originals, authors Kate de Goldi and Susan Paris are holding a workshop with us for writers, and Paul Beavis and Josh Morgan (published by Huia) – are giving a workshop for illustrators.
I’m really grateful for all this. thank you to everyone who has joined in. You are all in the special friends of Gecko Press book!