By Chandra Littlewood from Moriah Kindergarten

Image (c) Vincent Bourgeau from What’s That, Jack?
We asked Chandra Littlewood from Moriah Kindergarten in Wellington for a list of books she likes to recommend that foster imaginative and creative play for pre-school age children. These books are available from all good bookstores.
Papatūānuku has a Tummy Ache by A J Copping

How Maui Slowed the Sun by Peter Gossage
Our tamariki love hearing about Maui and his adventures and this one grips all ages. Children love both reading and role playing this story and they can create their own focus whether it’s finding rakau or harakeke for rope, capes and objects to be the sun or simply packing up a bag and walking through te ngahere to get to their final destination.
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen
So much to be said about this classic pukapuka. Our tamariki will gladly read it many times over and the joy just continues. From here they can go on their own hunt maybe for a bear, or a dinosaur, a kiwi or even a unicorn and nothing beats creating your own cave! They also often reenact different parts of the story as we walk through our local park.

Ten in the Bed / Ten out of Bed by Penny Dale

My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes by Eve Sutton, illustrated by Lynley Dodd

I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato (Charlie and Lola) by Lauren Child
This book list was created for the release of What’s That, Jack? by Cédric Ramadier, illustrated by Vincent Bourgeau, available from our website and all good bookstores. Two curious animals have a remarkable adventure with a strange object that changes with the landscape then flies back into the sky—they don’t know what it was, but what a day they had!